Friday, October 28, 2005

Iran calls for a New Holocaust

I'm sure by now, all of you have heard of Iran's call for "the death of Israel".

Only a blind fool could still delude himself into believing that there is not a clash of civilizations going on in this world. Islam, that barbaric death cult, has declared war on Western Civilization. Bear in mind that they have a 1,400-year history that has taught us well what they stand for and what they do to conquered peoples. They mean to do it all again, and have announced so many times. They want to take over the world and have said so clearly. Why will our leaders not believe them? Our leaders had better wake up to reality while we still have the power to destroy these savages.

Blind, ignorant & selfish fool John Kerry claimed during the 2004 election that he was trying to prevent a war of civilizations. The war on civilization really began when Muhammed's successors invaded the rest of the world. The greatest flaw in the Bush Administration's Iraq policy is the assumption that Islam is a peaceful religion. Iran proves that it isn't.

Anybody scoffing that Bush named Iran in the Axis of Evil? heh heh


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