Friday, October 14, 2005

The Most Reproduced Print in the World..... this photo by Alberto Korda of the Communist murderer...Che Guevara.

Che's father in Buenos Aires received a letter from his prodigal son. "I'd like to confess, papa', at that moment I put a bullet in a mans head and watched him die slowly, I discovered that I really like killing." This is from Marcos Bravo's book, "La Otra Cara Del Che", Editorial Solar. Bogota, Colombia.

Some Moonbat has even created an infant clothing line of Che Guevara. Someone who enjoyed executing people without resorting to legal process to determine guilt or innocence should not be admired by anyone. Although the left is proud to have their infants wear items of clothing adorned by his image. This is total hypocrisy by the left that continues to champion the "rights" of terrorists and mandating American due process rights for the Guantanamo Bay prisoners. Their hero Che apparently didn't believe in detainment. He just like to blow the brains out of anyone who disagreed with him!No matter how disturbing the facts are about this hero of the left I don't believe any of them will change their allegiance to him. The clothing line featuring his image should disgust every American. It would be akin to having a clothing line featuring the image of Stalin or Mao.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger gwadzilla said...

rather Che Guevara than George Bush on my baby's bib or my other son's t-shirt

people say stupid things...
people's words are used out of context
people claim things have been said that were not said

much of Che's actions were questionable
much of his efforts were noble

I am no historian
I know very little about the man
I do not even have a Che t-shirt

there is more to this man that that one quote

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that i would rather have Che Guevara than George Bush on my baby's bib or my son's t-shirt hands down. In fact i had a shirt and wore it today.
Joe Gringo, perhaps you should give your head a shake. It's 2009 and almost 1 million are dead in Iraq without a trial. Having George Bush's face on a T-shirt would be more akin to stalin or hitler.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhmmm okay buddy. so you're going to put the face of a straight up lethal murderer on you child's bib rather than george bush? for what good reason? and no shit there's more to this man than one quote. there's hundreds of quotes. and they all show what a disgusting human being he truly was.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't think cheers is a legend, you're a wanker. Nuff said.


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