I've been very busy and a bit under the weather, blogging has been limited the last few days, I'll try to make up for it.............It's that time of year, that communist organization is doing what it does best.....trying to take away the religous theme of what 96% of the people in the United States celebrate and what 84% believe in...........the Christianity theme in Christmas. No mention of the word Christmas, no saying "Merry Christmas", no Christmas Tree, no religous music...you know what I'm talking about. How pathetic.
How long will it be before these moonbat commies will go take the next step and demand that the Hispanic population refrain from anything
"Felíz Navidad". Think about it, the Hispanic population in 2020 reportedly will be greater than the White population in California and since the ACLU believes that the minority should have more say/receive more services than the majority, are they going to demand the removal of anything referencing "Felíz Navidad?"
That ain't gonna fly folks. The ACLU, what a morally bakrupt, pathetic and useless organization, not to mention dangerous.
Talk about the prisoners running the asylum (literally), Sadaam Hussein not showing up for court today is a bit disturbing. It's good that Saddam has finally been put on trial, although it may have been better yet if he had simply been shot. The idea that his crimes need to be "proved"--as though there were some doubt about them that could be resolved through a "trial"--is ridiculous.
But if Saddam is to be tried, some basic norms need to be observed. A court can only function if it is accepted that it has power over those who come before it. In this case, this basic premise is unclear. Many Iraqis still fear that Saddam could return to power; most of the witnesses against him do not dare to reveal their identities for fear that they will be killed by Saddam's allies. And Saddam himself rejects the authority of the court. That's OK, up to a point; many criminals who have no respect for the American judicial system are nevertheless tried, convicted, and on rare occasions put to death by that system. What is essential is that the tribunal assert its own authority, not give to a murderer.
It's too early to tell whether Howard Dean's prediction of defeat in Iraq will turn out to be a major blunder that could cost him his DNC chairmanship, or just another Deanism that will be forgotten after a day or two. Yesterday, Republican spokesmen criticized Dean for his defeatism; they'll have to keep it up, though, if they want to have any effect.
Their points were well taken, but the usually-reliable Ken Mehlman did suffer a momentary lapse:
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman said: "It's fairly extraordinary. I can't remember any time in history where the leader of a national party . . . predicted America would lose a war we were engaged in."
Mehlman told the same San Antonio radio station, "Imagine if we had said to Hitler in 1942 that in two years we're going to pull out of Europe . . . Hitler would not have surrendered."
Um, Hitler didn't surrender. Nevertheless, the Republicans have the better side of the argument, and should continue to press it.