Friday, January 27, 2006

Pipe Down Jimmuh

Jimmy Carter calls for funding Hamas
Just go away man!

  • Here's the article from Stop the ACLU.

  • What will become of the $1 Billion per year we give to the Palestinians? I find it very hard to believe that we will continue to give aid. If Hamas attacks Israel, is that an act of war or a terror attack?

    It's all out on the table now for Hamas, and it appears that it will get very ugly soon.


    At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow, good question, are the Palestinians a governed state or is it a territory? If they attacked Israel, well then yah, time for war.

    Antone W.

    At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well said Joe - it truly is "all on the table" for Hamas and the palestinians now. Unfortunately for them, they lack any of the qualities of civilised men and have an almost complete ignorance of any concepts other than coercion and submission.
    Now that they have over-played their hand and actually been mandated, Hamas can only behave according to it's nature. This means more suffering for Israel, sadly, but under the full glare of "Statehood", Hamas has nowhere to hide. Truth will always out.


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