Friday, February 03, 2006

Mr. Nails.....Victor Davis Hanson, Does It Again

  • Read "Three Pillars of Wisdom" from VDH today.
  • Excerpts:

    The list of hypocrisies could be expanded. The locus classicus, of course, is bin Laden's fanciful fatwas. Oil pumped for $5 a barrel and sold for $70 is called stealing resources. Tens of millions of Muslims emigrating to the United States and Europe, while very few Westerners reside in the Middle East, is deemed "occupying our lands." Israel, the biblical home of the Jews, and subsequently claimed for centuries by Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, Ottomans, and English is "occupied by crusader infidels" — as if the entire world is to accept that world history began only in the seventh century A.D.

    The only mystery is not how bizarre the news will be from the Middle East, but why the autocratic Middle Easterners feel so confident that any would pay their lunacy such attention.

    The answer? Oil and nukes — and sometimes the two in combination.


    In the long-term, democratization in the framework of constitutional government has the best chance of bringing relief. But for the foreseeable future the United States and its allies must also ensure that Iran, and states like it, are not nuclear, and that we wean ourselves off a petroleum dependency — to save both ourselves, the addicts, and even our enemies, the dealers of the Middle East.

    Great stuff


    At 4:49 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

    Oil pumped for $5 a barrel and sold for $70 is called stealing resources.

    And Australia is virtually full of uranium.
    Our lefties scream bloody murder every time somebody wants to utilize these resources but now they all for the Iranian rights to have nuclear energy.
    Our enemies within are more dangerous than the bloody mullahs.


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