Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Religion Turning Into An Idealogy

In no way am I an expert on Islam, the folks over at Little Green Footballs and Democracy Frontline have great insight on this topic, but what I see is that we are witnessing the religion of Islam turning into an idealogy.

We are not at war with Islam, but with radical Islam. These radical terrorists are twisting and perverting Islam and turning it into an idealogy, one that promotes slavery, oppression, and the oppression of women. They are using Islam as a tool to indoctrinate the radical Islam idealogy. Look at the University of North Carolina student who ran over 9 people with his SUV a few days ago......(the left will say the SUV did it, :-) or what about a hate crime) ..... to "avenge the death of Muslims around the world". It's crazy.

Leaders from around the world need to get together and ask the Muslim world for a reformation of Islam and/or call for these radical nutjobs to cease their violent ways. I'm afraid if this doesn't happen, we will be at war with Islam, that will get VERY ugly, especially since there over a billion of them out there.


At 7:24 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

I am afraid Islam has always been a totalitarian Ideology.
There is no separation of "church and state" and all aspects of everyday life are also predefined in in Shar'a - religious law based upon The Qura'n and the Hadith.

Some more secular rulers in Muslim countries tried unsuccessfully keep Islam separated but they are losing this battle.
Iran was the first (after WWII) and Jimmy Carter let it go.
This was the real beginning - the mullah could see the victory was possible.
It the beginning Islam was always under a religious - political order.
Caliphs, Sultans, or Great Imams (Shia) were also the spiritual Islamic leaders.
Islam also dictaes the economy.
Private ownership of property is relative - and so the person who happens to "manage" a property will in most cases plunder it because tomorrow he may not be there.
This is why the Islamic world lives in poverty (economy of booty and plunder).
Of course in some cases like Indonesia the law is secular (at least is trying to be) - a gift from the Duch colonialists.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

Excellent insight, very clear. Thank you m-link!

At 2:40 AM, Blogger Patung said...

What missinglink said but I would add that the reason it is such a big problem today is because of globalisation. Islam is tied to traditional societies and those societies are being destroyed by globalisation - hence Islamic radicalism is a response to that, a kind of 'last stand'.


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