Thursday, June 08, 2006

I was actually pleased by the news of Zarqawi's death before I was saddened by it. - John F. Kerry could I pass that one up! ;-) J. F'n Kerry may not have publicly said that, but you just know that he and the rest of 'em are thinking that!


At 6:38 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

And I was for and agaist it.
This is just Kerry ain't it.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

Did he SERIOUSLY say that?


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

Not really I made it up but it sure sounds like him. ;-)
Flip-Flop Kerry

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

BIG Freakin' Smiling Face!

Johnny Four Months is suggesting that the U. S. Military use his infamous "Cut n' Run" tactic ... He may just be the "Barry Bonds" of politicos, only he uses Botox™?


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...


I just could not pass that one up, he didn't say that......well not publicly ;-)

but I think we all could agree that IS the mantra of the left.

I should have clarified.....great job Air Force w/ the 2 500 lb gifts!


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