A Sad Day For Free Press In Venezuela
My favorite site for information / news on Venezuela, VCrisis , has just shut it down. These guys were / are seriously good at what they do, I know that one of the contributors, Aleksander Boyd, actually lived in London while being a major contributor to this site but felt compelled to bring his site to a halt for an unspecified amount of time.
These guys are brave for writing their views and the truth about the evil Hugo Chavez, but unfortunately there have been a few too many deaths for anti-Chavez pundits in Venezuela, aside from their growing frustration with the political scene in Venezuela, I am sure these guys were fearing for their life. Here's Boyd's final send-off until we hear from him again:
Dear readers, this site is going into static mode until further notice. I have only words of gratitude for the thousands of visitors who, over the years, have developed a keen interest in our version of Venezuelan contemporary politics. As increasingly evident it is rather futile to oppose one's own country's idiosyncrasy. The very emergence of irresponsible leaders is but the natural consequence of remiss peoples. The dictum "a country gets the government it deserves" was never truer than in the case of Venezuela.
Estimadas/os, sirva la presente para informar que me retiro del activismo político hasta nuevo aviso. Las razones son de variada índole y no viene al caso mencionarlas. Baste decir que para que un cambio significativo ocurra en Venezuela, todos los venezolanos debemos cambiar a nivel individual. En tanto eso no suceda todos los esfuerzos de unos pocos en pro de la libertad, la democracia, la paz, el respeto y bienestar y la armonía serán infructíferos. Concluyo recordando la desafortunadamente célebre cita "cada pueblo tiene el gobierno que se merece".
P.D.: y que conste que mi decisión nada tiene que ver con el anuncio de Súmate de suspender las primarias, por el contrario son precisamente actitudes irresponsables como las de Súmate las que me han llevado a concluir que este asunto de oponerse a la idiosincrasia venezolana es una empresa destinada irremediablemente al fracaso.
Terrible news.
I collect a list of journalists who dissapeared since Chaves strating his rule of terror.
Too sad.
This is yet another reminder of how precious free spech truly is!
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