Thursday, August 10, 2006

British Terror Watch

Not much I can really add at this point, other than a catchy little ol' headline, but just about every freakin' violent act happening in the world right now has to do with Muslims.

A quick chanage of gears........

Let he who has not been socially intoxicated, buy the first round. Now monitoring your blood alcohol content is as easy as checking your watch. The most exciting feature of this watch is that it doubles as a way to hit on tech-loving hotties by asking them to blow on your . . .watch. ;-)

Read more on the AlcoWatch here ...


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you used this on your golf trip, what would you have blown?

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

I would've melted it!

Seriously, 2 beers at lunch between rounds and then 1-2 each nine holes in the afternoon.


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