Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Gibson and The Dixie Chicks

Hhmmmmm, now there's a pair of celebrities I never thought I'd have in the same sentence.......

This is America, aren't you free to hate anyone or anything you have a notion to?

Of course, you might have to face the consequences of expressing those feelings publicly...but it is still your right. Hating your President is nothing new, prejudice is nothing new, it's been around forever and for sure always will be around.

Mel Gibson is man no better than you or me, he's an actor and a Hollywood Director, The Skanks are no better than you or me. What Mel Gibson said was disgusting, what The Hags said was pathetic, if you don't like what they say or do, don't buy their stuff. These people have a talent that most people don't have but that doesn't make them any better than you or I. You are responsible for what comes out of your mouth, we are a free country and we do not have to accept what you say as "gospel", BUT, there may be consequences and you must realize that.

So do the right thing Mel, apologize, raise money (or reach into your extremely deep pockets), etc. and donate to Jewish charities, get help, correct your racial views and I hope you can continue to make great movies.

Just be thankful you live in a country where you can say those things and eventually will be forgiven, and all that happens is you lose some money........and not your head.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice correlation between "the differences " of celebs and regular people. forginness is the cornerstone of america. But some people may have a hard time forgetting. I say apologize, and move on.

At 5:28 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

I can forgive... If he can be truly contrite. We'll just have to wait and see...

At 10:49 PM, Blogger elmers brother said...

What did you think of his apology Joe?


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