The Arabs - They Think Differently Than We Do
Uh, no shiite.
JoshuaPundit ahs a great post today.
Stephen Brown at Rant's and Raves is an anthropology major who spent a great deal of time in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world. Here, he reflects on the cultural differences between them and westerners...and lays out why in his words, he feels `Our civilization is destroying theirs. We cannot share a world in peace. They understand this; we have yet to learn it.'
Read it all.
Shiite Muslim child Mahmoud Slieman after his mother cut him with a sword during the annual ritual to mark Ashoura Day in the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh, Tuesday March 2, 2004. Ashoura day marks the Shiite Muslim’s commemoration of the 7th century killing of their most revered Saint Imam Hussein.
Oh, Dear GOD! Can you IMAGINE purposefully cutting your own child?
Just looking at that makes my mommy instincts freak out!
I thought it was photo shopped or something, but JoshuaPundit is as credible as they come, the picture of the kid alone was from a Little Green Football post a while back, these are real.
They just can't seem to get out of the Stone Age.
Thanks for the kind words, Senor.
Here's another thing to consider..if they're willing to do this to their own children, are Beslan, Darfur, the terorrism against Israel and the US really all that surprising?
Those who but for oil would walk the sands, following the tracks of goats seem to be capable of any mindless act.
Fools led by fools have little more than barbaric belief systems with which to justify their primitive existence. Save the children, why would anyone care what happens to these pathetic members of the human race?
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