Friday, October 20, 2006

The Nuclear 2-Step, North Korea and Iran

Scary and Scarier are tag-teaming it, nuclear style. Every couple of weeks one barks louder than the other, pretty soon, one of them is going to bite.

As the chess match continues, some things are coming to light.

The Chinese prefer Republicans.
The Islamofascists prefer the cut and runners..........the Democrats.
The Islamofascists hate everyobody except radical muslims and Christian Catholic nutball Hugo Chavez, yah, that makes sense.
The Chinese hate Japan, but are still fearful of their military strength.
North Korea is China's b*tch, they depend on them for just about all of their food and fuel.
Russia still hates the USA.
Everybody hates Israel except conservatives.
Venezuela supports and hosts terrorists and is buying a ton of weapons and jets so they can start a war against SOMEBODY, Chavez hopes against the USA.

And..... Ahmadinejad, Chavez, KJ Il and Putin are scrawny, ugly little twirps who are lucky they're leaders of their countries, otherwise if they were everyday Joe's in their country, they wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of ever scoring with a chick....I had to get that one in.

Okay, what inspired China to pressure North Korea to back down from firing off another nuke and force Kim Jong Ill (ill as in ill) to say he "regrets" firing off the Norks nuke on October 9th?

Was it the possibility of the Democrats gaining control of the House and Senate in a few weeks? If that were to happen, it would hurt China, the Dems are turning against free trade, blaming globalization for policies that have benefitted China at the expense of US manufacturers and workers, it's in China's best interest to keep the Republicans in power.

Move west a few thousand miles to Iran/Iraq, and you have Ahmadinejad picking up the defiant rhetoric now that KJ Ill has piped down for the time being. Things are brewing over there big time. Mahdi army fighters ahve taken total control of Amarah in southern Iraq, and Ahmedinejad has rejected UN resolutions that were aimed at ending the mullahocracy's nuclear standoff with the West and warned Europe that it may get hurt by supporting Israel.

"You should believe that this regime (Israel) cannot last and has no more benefit to you," Ahmadinejad said in a speech broadcast on state radio." What benefit have you got in supporting this regime, except the hatred of the nations?

"We have advised the Europeans that the Americans are far away, but you are the neighbors of the nations in this region. We inform you that the nations are like an ocean that is welling up, and if a storm begins, the dimensions will not stay limited to Palestine, and you may get hurt."

Regarding the UN, Ahmadinejad said any decisions by the Security Council, which is considering imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, were illegitimate.

"The Security Council, in its current situation, lacks legitimacy," he said. "Its decisions are illegitimate. You (the Council) want to be the judge, the prosecutor and the executor at the same time? Those times are gone."

Iran's consistently growing standoff with the West is now a problem with its ally, China, who has jsut said they want to be a responsible stakeholder in resolving Iran's nuclear standoff with the West. China and Russia have resisted tougher measures on Iran, but have at least urged negotiations to end the standoff.

Iran could care less what anyone thinks or says. While it seems possible to appease North Korea, with Iran, it is probably impossible. Their goal is to blow away and destroy Israel, drive the US from the Middle East and infect the entire world with their radical idealogy. With their incredibly deep pockets of cash, nothing is going to stand in their way....except ........a nuke from Uncle Sam and friends?

Meanwhile in Venezuela it appears that Chavez has decided to buy military cargo aircraft from Russia after a Spanish company, facing US opposition, dropped a plan to sell 12 planes to Venezuela. Also, Chavez is aslo going to spend $3 Billion on 24 Sukhoi fighter planes and 53 military helicopters, this follows the recent purchase of 100,000 Kalashnikov AK-103 rifles and a dozen helicopters from Russia last year. And..... Russia and China are stepping up their efforts to purchase quite a bit of crude oil from Venezuela.

Now how pissed are Venezuelan's going to be when (hopefully) Manuel Rosales defeats Hugo Chavez this December 3rd and are stuck with all of this mess and ammo?

Tensions are tight around the world, but what if the moons aligned and the following took place?

-Castro dies, Raul caves in, Cuba turns to the free market, becomes ally.
-Rosales defeats Chavez in Venezuela, Chavez goes away or is assassinated, Venezuela WILL become a capitalistic gold mine.
-The US withdraws its troops from South Korea, SK and/or Japan and/or China takes out North Korea's nuclear missile launcher thereby rendering NK and KJ Il useless.
- Allied nations bomb the living daylights out of Iran and its nuclear faclities.
- Joe Gringo becomes the best golfer in Arizona.

It's pizza night at the park with the Mrs. and kids, I think I'll pour me a nice cold one and relax.


At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Queen was here!!!;-)

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

She's keepin' tabs on you... ;)

Good observations, Joe... Food for thought!


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