Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sentence of the Year?

The sentence of the year?

Over in Tim Blair's comment section, a guy named Dave S. said this:

"The Republicans lost and the Democrats won for the same reason -- they distanced themselves from their base. "

And Hugh Hewitt points the finger at John McCain:

"The post-mortems are accumulating, but I think the obvious has to be stated: John McCain and his colleagues in the Gang of 14 cost the GOP its Senate majority while the conduct of a handful of corrupt House members gave that body's leadership the Democrats. "

The first two paragraphs of my book Painting the Map Red --published in March of this year, read:

"If you are a conservative Republican, as I am, you have a right to be worried. An overconfident and complacent Republican Party could be facing electoral disaster. Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, and a host of others could be looming in our future and undoing all the good we've tried to do."

Here's Hughe's The Road Not Taken: Forfeiting a Majority.


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Brooke said...

All excellent and very accurate quotes, IMO.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger elmers brother said...

that's one of the reasons I issued a fatwa on McCain's *ss.


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