Wednesday, November 01, 2006

That was a fun JF Kerry bash posting session, probably about the last, 'cause many think it's over for him.

Switching gears for a bit.....

Gay Men Warm Up to Dixie Chicks

Boy....... now I really want to go see them.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

Well, the Ditzy Chicks did say that they didn't want any other country groups in the CD changer with them... HAHAHAHA!

They've broken into a new market, all right!

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you enlisted yet? Joe?

You love to condemn John Kerry, I was just wondering if you had the guts to go fight the war you love so much.

Kerry served, what's your problem?

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...


Have I enlisted? No. If circumstances called for me or any man born in the 60's to serve, I would, but that is highly unlikely to happen.

I never said I loved the war, wonder where you got that from.

Kerry is an arrogant, self absorbed opportunist. Yes he did serve in the military which is definitely honorable, no question.....but you tell me how many men in the Vietnam war took a camera with him into battle to film themselves. And if it is true that he indeed did shoot that 12 year old kid who was already dead that was on tape, then he should be tried for war crimes......crimes he said "they" committed.

He was in battle mode for 90 days, that was it. I'm not bashing him for serving, just his motive for doing so.

Thanks for stopping by.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

BTW, go here for a little more insight on Kerry's respect for the military:


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