Video of the Day........By Far
An autistic kid gets his shot to play on the high school team. Maximally heartwarming, and you would not have believed it if Hollywood had made it up.....2 minutes 45 seconds, don't miss a second.
h/t TigerHawk
If you like current events, politics, golf, México, football, history, despise Hillary Clinton, believe in a redneck jihad against radical Islamists, enjoy great food and some good Tequila (the drink and the town), hanker down neighbor...crack one open...'cause you've come to the right place.
An autistic kid gets his shot to play on the high school team. Maximally heartwarming, and you would not have believed it if Hollywood had made it up.....2 minutes 45 seconds, don't miss a second.
hiya Joe~!I used to work with autistic kids...its amazing what they can accomplish!
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