Monday, August 01, 2005

Al Gore's new debut.......

Al Gore debuts his new internet TV network today.......called Snore TV....err uh.......actually called "Current TV". This is sure to be a snooze-fest of a media source and is aimed at younger viewers covering topics such as jobs, technology, spirituality (??), current events and will be non-partisan (uh.....sorry, not buying that one Al). I bet if you polled everyone under the age of 22, more than 50% could not tell you who Al Gore is.

"We have no illusions about the fact that our product has to be compelling," said David Neuman, Current's programming director. Yah, well having Al Gore at the helm already puts you two strikes in the batter box there Dave, but then again, the creator of the internet may have something up his sleeve.

Remember when this delusional piece of wood told reporters that he and Tipper were the inspiration behind the novel "Love Story"? Turns out that the author, Erich Segal, promptly denied this. Nice try Al.

I don't know folks, a career politician venturing out into the "real world" of work would have me looking at this new venture with much guarded caution. More power to him if he is successful, but his track record over the last 15 years does not bode well for Al.


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AL Gore is Fucked. Maybe he could sell Ad time on Air America - Oh sorry thats off the air too! I won't even tune in to see his "new internet"


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