Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Here comes......J-J-J-Jesse!

There is so much going on in the world these days, I don't know where to start, so I'll start off with a rift on one of the biggest jackasses around, Jesse Jackson.

The demonic "reverand" now wants over $60 Billion to be paid out to the victims of Katrina. Funny how his little radical organization never called for a fund for the 4 hurricanes that hit Florida last year. My question is this: Why in the world do the victims of a natural disaster feel they are entitled to that much tax-payer money? The 9/11 victims received only $7 Billion. That was a terrorist attack..very different. $60 billion..? The guy has to be out of his mind. Oh but I forgot most of the victims (and we pray for them all) are black. You can't question their demands...only give into them--otherwise you'll be considered a RACIST....This man reeks of hypocrisy and has no conscience whatsover... He fits the characterization of a true wolf in sheeps clothing.


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

6o Billion is crazy. at what point will people be semi reponsibile for there well being. The democratic party has created this entitiled generation in New Orleans. I do not feel the need to continue their lifestlye. When only a few of these homeless people move back there, a Republican will win office.

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

You are correct about what the democrats have created in N.O. with handouts. People will only become responsible when they are given responsibility......not handouts. If Bush can lead this re-building process in a positive light and create opportunities for the people there, then I do think a Republican can run the show there.

This is really a golden opportunity for Bush to capture a few percentage points from the Black, liberal vote.


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