Tuesday, September 06, 2005

IT'S OFFICIAL!!!! The American Left now believe that George W. Bush IS GOD!!!

You think I'm kidding???? Well....I ain't.

Leftists such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cindy Sheehan have blamed Hurricane Katrina – something insurance companies classify as an act of God, on Pres. Bush's killing policies. Former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal also wrote an article in The Guardian chalking up the flood to the Bush administration’s having cut one item in the Army Corps of Engineers’ annual budget. Meanwhile, DNC Chairman Howard Dean weighed in by demeaning Bush’s trip to the disaster area, calling it “just another callous political move crafted by Karl Rove.”

What about Global warming? You guessed it, that was/is W's fault. Anyway, I could go on, but I've had an ass-full of the left's BS.

One more thing.......wouldn't you think that the city and state government's would have some sort of disaster plan in place and the not the federal gov't? I bet if the New Orleans Mayor were white, he'd be taking a brunt of the blame for the hurricane relief efforts, but since this cat is black, he's off limits.

More later........


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