Thursday, February 23, 2006

Chavez/Venezuela and the Terrorists Teaming Up?

Just what we need, this jackass Chavez sucking up to the UAE, dude's got loads of cash, I'm sure he's licking his chops over the potential sale of the ports. South America is a potential HUGE problem and one that needs to be watched ever so closely.

Here's a quick read and here is an excerpt:

While the public knows that $20 billion was realized when Venezuela liquidated its investments in US treasury securities, and moved its reserves to Switzerland, it does not know that Senor Chavez now has total control over these funds, awarded to him by his allies in the Central Bank. Will these funds be diverted to known terrorist groups, or to further the Bolivarian revolution in Latin America? We cannot say, but these funds bear close watching.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger hkclebicar said...

Sorry, but a General Bush is a terrorist, no more like Chavez. If you isn´t a midle american, you will know the true.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

I never to get hear WHY Bush is a terrorist, only that he is one, typical weak liberal stance. He's a liberator.

There's a reason that whiskey and bourbon sales are up 50% in Venezuela in 2005 over the previous year, and it's not because the Venezuelan people are celebrating! I'll get that aarticle from The American Thinker and post it. Chavez is a punisher and has an ego the size of South America.

Maybe you can show where communism has flourished.

At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cono joe gringo lo tienes clarito todo... "chavez is a pusnisher..." que tal? derrepente necesitamos gente inteligente como tu en esos gobiernos perdidos por el comunismo...jaja


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