Joe Gringo
If you like current events, politics, golf, México, football, history, despise Hillary Clinton, believe in a redneck jihad against radical Islamists, enjoy great food and some good Tequila (the drink and the town), hanker down neighbor...crack one open...'cause you've come to the right place.
history repeating itself. great editorial cartoon
All that "goose-stepping" does make one wonder if all the Nazis went to Argentina?
(... they didn't!)
The Nazis didn't seem to make global use of masks, face coverings and other devices to hide their identities ... of what are the Iranian islamo-facists afraid? (... "they all look alike, anyway?)
Any jihadi seeking martyrdom?
I will gladly help ya'! I can cut, shoot, choke, burn and will honor any other requests by those seeking their entry-level position in Hades. I do request appointments, but will try to honor individual, urgent requests on a "space available" basis. Group rates may be available, if traffic warrants.
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