You Go, Hugo
Chavez: U.S. Empire 'Will Be Finished in Near Future'
Venezuelan boss calls President Bush 'the devil'
I bet J. F'n Kerry, Murtha, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, Reid....the whole lot, are loving this.
It must really be a drag to suffer from "Little Man's Disease".
This pissant of a leader(?) is making noise and is just pissed because he knows that come this December, Manuel Rosales will defeat him in the Venezuelan elections for Pres. and he's trying to make himself believe he is important. He desparately wants to be in the same category as Ahmadihejad, KJ Il and Castro.
My sources say that the people he holds "dear to his heart", the poor people, are becoming more and more fed up with him as conditions in Venezuela have only gotten worse for them.
My take.....
When he is defeated, he will not relinquish office and come time, Venezuelans will a force a coup d' état OR he will be assassinated.
And that's a good thing.
Like his idol Ché Guevara, maybe he'll end up with a bullet in him and buried in a jungle.
I will gladly provide any Venezuelan with funds to provide for ammunition of his/her choice with which to end Chavez' cancer upon the Earth.
Other methods may, of course, remove this viper from "our den;" but, nothing would satisfy more than a head shot exploding his cranium like a ripe watermelon.
Amen brother!
This December should be REAL interesting!
I wonder who gave Hugo and that other idiot from Iran the Democrats' talking points?
They are peas in a pod
If this isn't a wake up call for the left to see how closely aligned they are with these despot rulers, nothing will wake them up.
In 2008 when hopefully a Republican is voted in as President, will the left hate this Pres. as much as they hate Bush? If that is the case, we may be doomed.
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