Quickie Prediction
.....meetings, business, meetings, business...one of those days, so......
Fidel Castro - Hugo Chavez - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Kim Jong Il
2 of the 4 will not make it to see 2008. I think Castro kicks the bucket in a year and Chavez takes a bullet, unfortunately the other have a little more bark in their bite, but hey, it's a start!
Oct 8 in local paper says that Castro has Terminal Camcer. He will not be returning to power. Can that regime continue?
It will continue as long as his brother is feeling good. After that, who knows?
You are so right Joe. It's a start and we'll take it!!
I was sort of shocked (and delighted) to hear about Castro's condition on Sunday, a little bit of ESP! ;-)
Raul Castro, from what I gather, is not as egotistical and maniacal as Fidel, also he is nearly 76 years old. I believe a big change is underway in Cuba in the coming years, sort of what has happended in China, but on a scale proportionate to its size......that is if Hugo Chavez is taken out of the picture.
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