A cool 117 degrees today here in Phoenix.........."yah, but it's a dry heat".....yah, so is my oven..... when I'm makin' a pizza.
Joe Gringo
If you like current events, politics, golf, México, football, history, despise Hillary Clinton, believe in a redneck jihad against radical Islamists, enjoy great food and some good Tequila (the drink and the town), hanker down neighbor...crack one open...'cause you've come to the right place.
I'd like one day to visit Arizona, no humidity!
thats what the temp was when I was there!..hot hot hot..caliente!!!..lol
Happy Fourth!
It's gonna be in the 90's here, but we have humidity like a fish bowl.
There's nothing like drinking your air. :(
When the sun goes down, it ain't bad at all....direct sunlight and 115 is rough though.
You folks with humidity have got it worse
ahhhhhhhhhh it's global warming. It's never been hot in Arizona.
Drink fluids
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