Friday, November 04, 2005

Why is Paris Burning?

Wow, Hitler was right......France is now in its 8th night of riots, after some checking into, the area affected is populated with more than 80 percent Muslim immigrants, mostly from Arab and black Africa. In other affected towns, the Muslim immigrant community accounts for 30 percent to 60 percent of the population.......but these are really not the figures that matter. These areas, it is estimated, that unemployment is around 30 percent, and when it comes to young people who are able and want to work, it reaches 60 percent.

You have here a country with a constant dwindling economy, no jobs and a country which prizes itself in its "progressiveness" and open arms policy of welcoming in Muslim immigrants.....not a good mixture. (Makes you wonder why "Jack" Chirac took such a hardline stance against the invasion of Iraq, not to mention his under the table dealings in the Oil for Food Scandal) With this influx of immigrants, France is losing its "Frenchness" and in turn giving the Islamists an opportunity to promote their religous propaganda and culture.

Many of these radical Islam cats have managed to chase away French shopkeepers selling alcohol and pork products and "places of sin", like dancing clubs, movie theaters and are gaining control of local communities. These people now see that the once "great socialist France" is now uncapable of providing for and taking care of their new "countrymen"..........and now they're pissed. It is becoming more clear that these Muslims refuse to become part of the "great French culture" and firmly believe that Islam offers the highest form of life of which everyone on earth should aspire. France is a ticking time bomb

French President Chirac had believed that the opposition to the overthrow of Sadaam Hussein would give France a heroic image in the muslim community. That has now been shattered and that can't be pleasing to Chirac.

Now how does France correct its problem? This gringo doesn't really know, but........I guess we'll have to send in the Marines and liberate France..........a third time.


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