Friday, February 10, 2006

Mr. Bush.....Build That Wall!

My wife is Mexican and the entire side of her family reside in the beautiful country of Mexico, so this is a hot topic in the Gringo household, but my beef is not with illegal immigrants from México so to speak (that's another topic for another time). I'm talking about the infiltration of terrorists that are attempting, and succeeding, in crossing the United States border. The communists, socialists, liberals, terrorists, Hamas are all teaming up for the defeat of America.

  • In this article "Hamas Moves Into South America
  • by Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu, he points out that......

    Both the Iranians and North Koreans have secretive missions already in place in Caracas. Hamas will soon join them. Chavez will soon be in a position that Fidel must envy but was never able to achieve, that of regional puppet-master with sufficient petrodollars to purchase weapons and the connections to willing dupes to implement his strategies. Already we see an order for 100,000 Soviet-era small arms tagged to be transferred to the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia, for the purpose of bringing down the elected democratic government there. If Colombia falls, the way will be open for him to begin consolidation of the mega-state of his vision.

    Read the entire article.


    At 11:05 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

    The ChiComs are involved in the operation of the Panama Canal!

    At 6:43 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

    Scary stuff indeed.


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