Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Thanks to the folks at Democracy Frontline for giving a heads up on their fellow Aussie, great columnist and very smart guy Andrew Bolt.

Bolt writes and wonders why Iraq seems to be the one place where people claim that freedom is not worth the trouble but others are like East Timor and South Africa are as Andrew Bolt wonders .

....short excerpt:

It's the ideologues who hate America so much that they'd rather defend a terrorist than back a democracy. It's the people whose paranoia of America is so great that its slightest slip is seen as a diabolical plot.

Read it.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger elmers brother said...

Joe I read DFL every day and I didn't see this gem. sending a link your way.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

I told ya, Da Bolta is tops. ;-)

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

Thanks! Just like IBA, DFL is a pretty large blog, and sometimes my ADHD *wink* acts up and I miss stuff!

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

Nothing is forgiven the Americans. Nothing, it often seems, is allowed to justify freedom for Iraq, the country they dared to liberate.

The harshest comments against the United States usually echo from within those free nations whose freedoms actually allow the speech to go forward. We are damned if we do ... damned if we don't ...

Cute comment by a 'muzzie' in/near Indonesia ... that the United States sends aid as a propaganda device.

"It is propaganda to win the sympathies of the Indonesian public," said Fauzan Al-Ansauri. "The money they are spending is a fraction of what U.S. companies make each year from Indonesia's natural resources, but they win massive media coverage through this."

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

Whoops, a little miscommunication on my part. I did a post on April 3 here

on Mark Steyn saying he's about the best around, Missing Link came back giving a very high recommendation of Mr. Bolt. I've been checking him out since.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger cube said...

what, you mean democrats? They can't pound on America enough...


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