Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The "Urban Legends of Iraq"

Hugh Hewitt has this today on how Peter Wehner hits the mark in outlining the left's mythology of Iraq.

The foundation myths of the Anti-Bush Church:

*The president misled Americans to convince them to go to war.

*The Bush administration pressured intelligence agencies to bias their judgments.

*Because weapons of mass destruction stockpiles weren't found, Saddam posed no threat.

*Promoting democracy in the Middle East is a postwar rationalization.

Wehner explodes each in turn and in quick fashion. Read the whole thing.
And then add in Ralph Peter's "Defeating Terror." (HT: RealClearPolitics.)


At 7:56 PM, Blogger elmers brother said...

Joe, hope you didn't mind I cross posted this at EB

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

Thanks EB, it's an honor!


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