Have You Seen Hillary's Bust?
Due to work priorities, I rarely ever get to hear Rush Limbaugh, but I did get a chance to hear him today.
Rush has this on Hillary's bust.
"Artist Daniel Edwards describes this new sculpture as capturing Clinton 'with her head held high, a youthful spirit and a face matured by wisdom. Presented in a low-cut gown..."
Youthful spirit???? She looks rather close to a 90 year old emaciated woman who just finished a dog paddle session in the pool.
Not a good choice there Hillary.
try this link:
Not trying to be kind, but this "bust" looks like James Earl Carter in drag!
My eyes! My eyes!
ROTFLMAO!!! I'd say she was definitely going for the "bust!"
HAHAHA!!! My hubby just said that she looks like the female changleling on DS9!
Sorry Sarge, Hope the eyes are okay, I know mine got dinged pretty good!
Brooke, I wasn't sure what a female changeling was, so I looked it up..........
The Female Changeling is a fictional character in the Star Trek: DS9 universe, one of a race of Changelings, shapeshifting aliens.
Hhhmmm, a race of shapeshifting aliens.....sounds just like the Democrat party! ;-)
James Earl Carter in drag!
Oh, Sarge you're killing me.
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