Monday, July 24, 2006

Reason #538 Why I Despise Hillary "Ankles" Clinton

Ankles? Yes, as in fat ankles, try wearing a dress one of these days......better yet, don't, those stumps you use for legs look better covered.

Clinton, the likely 2008 Democratic White House front-runner, ponied up nearly $3,000 in campaign cash for her blond tresses to get some presidential pampering from acclaimed D.C. stylist Isabelle Goetz.

Recently released federal fund-raising records show Clinton shelled out $1,500 in April for Goetz to carefully craft her coiffure and another $1,000 for a camera-ready clip in May.

To read the rest, go here:
my_nationalnews_ian_b ishop___post_correspondent.htm

If you don't go to the link, I don't blame you.


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