Thursday, October 12, 2006

VDH blogs on North Korea

Thoughts on North Korea from Victor Davis Hanson.

"What can we do in this lose/lose mess?

Surely not what the Democrats advocate—a return to direct Clintonian/Cartesian one-on-one negotiations, when we gave billions in food, oil, and reactors. That only led to the present mess by rewarding in the 1990s North Korean nuclear roguery with subsidies and status to the thuggish Kim Jong-il. It is typical of Jimmy Carter’s shamelessness or dotage that, after the failure of his Nobel-Prize-driven intervention into the Korean morass during the Clinton administration, that he now pontificates how George Bush has broken his fine porcelain Korean policy."

Read it all, as usual, it's great......VDH for Secretary of State in 2008!


At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so you all know, Mr. Gringo has been on his knees most of this weekend...And no, he is not in any trouble, but earning his masonry degree...El Negro will be proud!

At 4:40 PM, Blogger elmers brother said...

it's funny the dems still think diplomacy can work.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

When your wife's father build's his own 2 story,concrete home, the son-in-law needs to prove he can keep with him - ;-) with that being said, I built a cement block wall w/ a gate, layed down about 110 sq. ft. of pavers and am laying about 300 more sq.ft. of stamped concrete...... this a reminder that I do need to get in a little better shape!


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