Dang job gits in the way of blogging :-) ......muy busy....... here's a mindless post.......
For all of you 10 year old boys whose friend has a hot mom.............. here's a music video for you.
It's harmless.......the expression on these kids face reminds me of my buddies and me when we were in 5th grade and Donnie's mom. There may be a 10 second commercial before it starts....here's Clay Walkers..." "Fore She Was Momma".
hey Joe...ok u may disagree but I dont think that video is harmless at all my friend...I think its exploitative actually and whats one half nekked woman -(mother)-doing flaunting her sexuality in front of a group of just young boys?...
Ok I know u dont agree eh?...:)
Well, yah, I do hear you and agree. I remember my friends mom stood out among other moms at our school and we all thought it was weird, or she was weird, and the kid was a spoiled little putz......different times back then.....nowadays she'd be in trouble.
Hey quit workin so hard buddy!..lol
Yeah, tell the boss he's interfering with your bloggin'! :D
And by the way, Little Joe can sing that song, and the scary part is the "marihuana" one. Except, I just remember I used to sing: "La cucaracha, la cucaracha; ya no puede caminar, por que no tiene por que le falta, marihuana que fumar" when I was a kid...ummm.What were my parents thinking?;-)
talk about an oedipus complex
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