Joe Gringo
If you like current events, politics, golf, México, football, history, despise Hillary Clinton, believe in a redneck jihad against radical Islamists, enjoy great food and some good Tequila (the drink and the town), hanker down neighbor...crack one open...'cause you've come to the right place.
chip of da ole block eh!..:)
yep, this little bruiser the bomb
A not-so-little Joe! Cute kid.
Awwww, he is sooo cute; and "he is not a baby anymore"...But to me, you will always be my baby...Love, Mom
Aw! What a cutie! Happy birthday!
sorry I missed this Joe. Happy belated birthday to Jr.
thanks all!
He's a funny one, and a great kid.
EB, Hey man, sounds like busy time in your life......would love to hear about the wedding my friend!
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