Tuesday, November 08, 2005

If You Have 5-10 Minutes, read this interview.......

....with Victor D. Hanson over at FrontPage. It is very clear, concise and one hell of a good read,

here it is

Having problems with linking this article, if it doesn't appear go to
  • FrontPage Mag
  • and go to the article titled "A War Like No Other".

    Here's an excerpt:

    "We must establish a culture of ostracism for radical Islam. We are seeing that now inside Holland, Great Britain, and now apparently France as well. By that I mean we wish to create a landscape similar to what a Nazi felt in 1946 or a Stalinist saw in 1989: that the ideology is bankrupt and no one will tolerate it anymore, and praising suicide bombing in Haifa or celebrating IEDs in Iraq is the moral equivalent of calling for Waffen SS victories in WWII or praise for the Baatan Death March, which earns a person deportation from the West and social exile abroad. There is no reason, after Iran's boast to wipe out Israel, that such a country belongs in the UN, or that any civilized country would have diplomatic personnel in Teheran. It should be seen as Nazi Germany circa 1939.

    We are not there yet in establishing such a moral reawakening, but these should be our ultimate military and political goals; defeat and kill terrorists in the field; pressure and isolate their national sponsors; and discredit their ideology. Do that and we win; fail and we endure the present sort of global Lebanization of seeing schoolgirls beheaded in Indonesia, or schoolchildren shot in Beslan, or schoolteachers assassinated in Iraq, beside the sick carnage from New York to New Dehli and the spectre of escalation to the nuclear level in Iran."


    At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That was great, I had heard of Victor Hanson, but did not know his background and expertise. EXCELLENT!!!

    At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    first off, isn't the term gringo a derogatory word?

    VDF is one of the best!


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