Friday, January 20, 2006

Bush vs Osama....41% of Kos Readers despise Bush

Top liberal blogger
  • Daily Kos
  • polled his readers on who they despised more, GW Bush or Osama Bin Laden
  • here's the poll
  • . Now, what more proof do we need to see that the liberals hate America?


    At 12:29 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

    Somehow I am not surprised.
    Most of the Daily KOS readers are radical lefties who are told by their mind controlling "theoreticians" and strategists to support Islam as a "revolutionary" religion.

    At 1:05 PM, Blogger Joe Gringo said...

    Yes, if they only really knew that the essence of Islam is to basically rule the world. Any non-Muslim, especially a Christian or Jew are 2nd, 3rd class citizens and really are doomed.

    The so-called Religion of Peace is anythig but!

    At 12:23 PM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

    Are they primarily from the Left Coast?

    It never (... never "type" never) ceases to amaze me that liberals, those left of center and those without legal parents will find fault with George W. Bush!

    Is it something within their cesspool's water that drives them to their vitriol?

    ... or do they just enjoy supporting traitor/seditionists like Johnny Four Month's Kerry? (Ya' know, the dude who was FOUR MONTHS in Country and then abandoned his crew with three (3) boo-boos!)

    Disclaimer: To those Kerryites that will chirp ... "Bush didn't show up!" What has "your" War Zero done for America? What? ... save have his federal paycheck direct deposited in his wife's bank account.


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