Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Condi: No Need for More Negotiations With Iran

When you have powerhouse intellectuals such as Charles Krauthammer, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, Michael Barone, Kenneth Timmerman et al, writing alarming articles about Iran's President (Mark Steyn calls him President Ahmageddonouttahere), hellbent penchant for Armageddon the world (especially the liberal left) better stand up and take notice.

The concensus from top columnists is that it's probably impossible for the US to stop an Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, short of a full-scale invasion. Once Iran acquires nuclear weapons it will simply be a matter of time before Arab states follow and that there better be an overthrow of the current regime in Iran by the Iranian people (which is possible, there have been many protests against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) or we are going to have to take the gloves off and get ready for invasion #3. An invasion such as this will make the current war in Iraq look like a walk in the park.


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