Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What is H.A.M.A.S.?




Aside from


Pretty much sums it up. You tell me what sane people representing the governing party goes around waving machine guns and calling for death and destruction to any country after winning an election? The essence of Islam is to rule the world, extremists factions such as H.A.M.A.S. are hell-bent on achieving this. I'm getting tired of referring to these groups as "extreme", why do we not hear from Muslim leaders denouncing these groups?

  • Michelle Malkin
  • has all the latest on the current on the Muslim jihad against Denmark and Norway [BTW...I'm a Swedish/Norwegian and have a Danish middle name - Juul ;-) ], visit Michelle and lend your support.....buy Danish!

  • Democracy Frontline
  • does a great job of covering this topic as well.


    At 7:34 PM, Blogger Mother Effingby said...

    Hi Juul, my name is actually Jewel, my first name, that is, but on the net my friends call me Jauhara al Kafirah, which means Jewel the infidel in Arabic.


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