Swamped.....no time for posting, etc.
But........ can you imagine a Republican saying this? We'd see nothing but ass's and elbows running for cover.
If you like current events, politics, golf, México, football, history, despise Hillary Clinton, believe in a redneck jihad against radical Islamists, enjoy great food and some good Tequila (the drink and the town), hanker down neighbor...crack one open...'cause you've come to the right place.
Swamped.....no time for posting, etc.
I'm guessing fat city.....let's take a looksie at some facts.........
Toyota makes a profit of about $2,000 per vehicle, while GM suffers a loss of about $1,200 per vehicle, a difference of $3,200 per unit. And the far greater part of that difference is the result of nothing but GM's being forced to deal with the UAW. (Over a year ago, The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that "the United Auto Workers contract costs GM $2,500 for each car sold.")
Without the UAW, the cost of employing a GM factory worker, including wages and fringes, would not be in excess of $72 per hour, which is where it is today, according to The Post-Crescent newspaper of Appleton, Wisconsin.
As a result of UAW coercion and extortion, GM has lost billions upon billions of dollars. For 2005 alone, it reported a loss in excess of $10 billion. Its bonds are now rated as "junk," that is, below, investment grade. Without the UAW, GM would not have lost these billions.
Read the rest right here.
Why will GM ultimately fail?
Because of stuff like this.
h/t Hispanic Pundit
On this day in …
In Iran, this is nothing.... just a choice of LIFESTYLE.
On this day in …
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- terrorist supporter and Holocaust denier is being hosted by Columbia University, as Bill Kristol points out.
Both Harvard and Columbia apparently have no problem extending every courtesy to America's enemies. Yet the military is unwelcome on both campuses. Is there a clearer example of the corruption of our nation's academy?
Sign the “Stop Ahmadinejad” petition today!
On this day in …
On this day in …
Good Luck to B.B.O.D., or
On this day in …
You gotta see this: What If MoveOn.org Existed 65 Years Ago?
Discussing the impact of General Petraeus' appearance on Capitol Hill, Charles Krauthammer hits the nail squarely on the head:
So I'm here to inform those who haven't, here's a story of a murderer working for you and me..............
John Hawkins at Right Wing News has the list:
More on the Israel/Syria Air Incident..Did the IDF Take Out Nuclear Material?
Rudy vs Hillary on the Petraeus Reports
MAYOR GIULIANI: Well, I was quite impressed with General Petreaus’ testimony and Ambassador Crocker. I’m an admirer of General Petreaus. I think he’s taken a very difficult situation, he’s moved it in a direction in which we are now seeing, you know, some significant success. Although there are also a long way to go. But, gosh, this is a very difficult situation you can’t expect the man to have turned this around completely in five or six months. I think he has been put through some horrible attacks. I think Moveon.org trying to, you know, equate his name with betrayal, is one of the more disgusting things that has happened in American politics. And I think the failure of the Democratic candidates to really condemn that, given how much money Moveon.org spends on behalf of Democratic candidates, which is millions if not hundreds of millions, is really, I really think it’s very, very unfortunate. And also, they sort of play into it. Hillary Clinton said yesterday, ‘I think,’ said to General Petraeus, ‘I think the reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief.’ I don’t know what she’s trying to say when she’s accusing a general of the ‘willing suspension of disbelief.’”
HOST 1: “She’s trying to tell us that she knows more about the whole situation than he does.”
Bingo. This crass gas bag has nearly the amount of skeletons in her closet as Hitler. There aren't many men more honorable than General Petraeus, for her to talk down to him is really quite revealing.
Condition - Prediction
Wet rock - It is raining
Dry rock - It is not raining
Shade on the ground - It is sunny
No shade on the ground - It is overcast
Rock jumping - It is an earthquake
Rock gone - It is a hurricane
Can't see rock - It is nightime
Can see rock - It is daytime
h/t Queen of Tequila
I want to bring to your attention a site that you should bookmark, and read often. This is a site that is recording the TRUE heroes of our great nation, wherever they have served.
WWW.HOMEOFHEROES.COM is a site that is gathering the information on ALL MoH recipients, those that have received the various service crosses (Navy Cross, etc) as well as the Silver Star. A monumental task!
Mr. Doug Sterner, webmaster and cataloger extraodinaire, has been compiling the information to this site in order to record all of those valiant efforts our soldiers have put forth in name of freedom. To ensure that no one is forgotten. 3500 MoH, and over 22,000 Silver Stars! All to be compiled here.
There is a TON of information here, and not just on the valor awards. Bookmark now. This is a treasure of a site.
h/t Black Five
On this day in …
On this day in …
A devastating quote. As they say, wisdom is ageless.
Cop charged in police dog's hot car death. No intent.
On this day in …
Muslims are the vilest of animals.
Sign o' the Times
Rolling Stones scandal, 1967:
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of rock band the Rolling Stones have appeared before magistrates in Chichester, West Sussex, charged with drug offences.
Rolling Stones scandal, 2007:
A live UK music venue today dodged a fine after members of the Rolling Stones lit up cigarettes on stage in defiance of the smoking ban.
On this day in …
For all of the tequila aficionados out there.... World's Finest Tequilas Showcased on September 15 at 5th Annual Spirits of México
It's nice when you see a photo that sums it all up (Via Michelle Malkin):
So, with that photo in mind, go ahead and visit STAND BY THE SURGE and sign the petition.
On this day in …