Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Gaza pullout.......

The pullout of the Jews from the Gaza Strip will prove to do much more damage than good to the land of Israel. The argument can be made that protecting the 8,000 Jews living there from the 1 Million or so Palestinians is too costly, however, the last thing ANYBODY should do is give in to the blood thirsty Palestinians and provide them with land. What will happen now is that the Gaza Strip will now become a terrorist state, look for far more bloodshed in Israel.

Hell, thirty years ago, Gaza was just a strip of barren wasteland until the Jews moved in and built it up, providing themselves with a fruitful way of life. These God forsaken Arabs that live there continue to live in poverty, they really have nothing other than looking forward to killing and eliminating the Jews.

How about this? Soon all Jews will be gone from the Gaza Strip, there will only be the blood thirsty Palestinians there, this may be an easier, less intricate way of dropping a few bombs and show the future terror state that they mean business!


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